White Settlement PD's new tool for car chases looks like something out of Batman

White Settlement Police announced it is adding some new technology to its police cruisers in an attempt to increase safety in car chases.

The department is one of the first in North Texas to add new StarChase technology.

The GPS tracker is mounted on the front of White Settlement Police Cruisers.

If an officer is involved in a chase, they can launch the tracker onto the suspect's vehicle. A green laser on the front of the car helps officers aim before they launch.

Once the tag is on the suspect's vehicle, dispatchers can get the location of the suspect in real-time, including info on speed, direction of travel and GPS coordinates.

Officers involved in a chase could then disengage, and apprehend the suspect after they stop. 

White Settlement police officers trained with the new technology at DFW Airport on Wednesday.

"While StarChase is not designed or intended to eliminate all vehicle pursuits, it is a technology that our leadership team wanted to evaluate," said White Settlement Police Chief Christopher Cook in a statement. "Pursuits, while sometimes necessary, can be dangerous situations for officers and the community. We will continue to seek out alternatives and technology to balance these types of risks." 

The White Settlement Police Department says they have been involved in more than 70 active vehicle pursuits since 2019.