Trackdown: Help find suspect who shot an innocent driver

In this week's Trackdown, police say an innocent man was caught in the crossfire during a shootout over a stolen truck in East Oak Cliff. Police say need your help to bring people to justice.

The victim survived, and the entire incident was caught on surveillance video.

Police say on February 25 an owner of a stolen truck was contacted by the car thieves and told to meet them at the Daily Stop Convenience Store to get it back.

The owner of the truck brought a few people with them to the location and a fight broke out while they were inspecting the truck, according to police.

While the thieves try to take off, one of the men brought by the truck's owner started shooting.

"As the suspects are fleeing the scene in the Jeep that they brought, the suspect ends up shooting multiple rounds towards that Jeep across the roadway," said Detective Marc Bird of the Dallas Police Department.

Police say the victim was driving down Sunnyvale Street when he was hit by the bullet.

"That gunfire caused him to lose control of his vehicle approximately one block away, and he crashed out," said Det. Bird.


Dallas Police say the shooting suspect is 25-30 year old Black male, with a medium build and a short haircut.

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"He could have shot anybody he could have shot a child he could have shot anybody in a car out here that's just unacceptable," said Bird.

If you recognize the suspect you can call Detective Bird at 214-671-3677 or you can email him here.


TrackdownEast Oak CliffCrime and Public Safety