The Statler Hotel in Dallas offering free rooms, food for medical workers during COVID-19 fight

The Statler Hotel in Dallas is working with local hospitals to offer free rooms and food to medical workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.

This came after Celina Mayor and Centurion American COO Sean Terry helped a local nurse find somewhere to stay after she started sleeping on her balcony to avoid the risk of exposing her family to COVID-19.

Two floors have been designated in the hotel for free lodging for medical workers, and the hotel is working with area hospitals, including Baylor Medical Center, Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital, Children’s Medical Center and Parkland Memorial Hospital, to “identify medical personnel in need of respite.”

“There's some stories of people sleeping in their cars and these are people that are helping so many people right now in this time,” Terry said. “If we can play a little part in that giving people a place to stay, and feed them, and make them feel, you know, have a little down time.”

The hotel, which was renovated and reopened by Centurion American in 2017, is working to “create a place of respite for our medical professionals.”

In total, $30,000 per night in rooms and meals is being donated to medical workers.

Each medical worker will be given a meal voucher for box breakfast, lunch, and dinner to be provided daily by Refined Hospitality Concepts, which operates the restaurants at The Statler.

Medical workers can request rooms by emailing