Plano ISD to begin using metal detectors in secondary schools

The Plano Independent School District is stepping up security by adding metal detector searches. But the checks will be random.

According to the district’s website, the plan is to soon have students walk through metal detectors in both middle schools and high schools within the district.

Campus administrators would select groups of students at random. They would be asked to remove items from their pockets. When an alarm goes off, the staff will have hand-held devices to help locate the source.

A student could be taken to a private area for additional screening if staff members cannot quickly find the source of the alarm. Students who refuse to comply can be removed from campus and could face other consequences.

The Plano school board approved the policy in August. The district hopes it will deter and prevent students from bringing weapons to school.

Students at Plano East High School had mixed reactions to the new policy.

"I feel like it's going to help us be protected and safe with all the students around and just feel safe overall," said Alexus Williams.

"I kind of feel like intruded just because you can have anything on your and it wouldn't be anything bad. So I feel like it's kind of an invasion of privacy. But I can see why they're doing that," said Nashmiya Farooquie.

"I think the metal detectors will definitely help out with preventing school shootings. But if someone has a plan, I think it has a chance of still being carried out," added Nathan Douty.

School districts across the country have been increasing security measures following a school shooting in Santa Fe near Houston. Ten people were killed and 13 others were injured when a gunman opened fire inside Santa Fe High School on May 18.

Since then, Texas leaders have pushed all districts to confirm they have an emergency plan in place. Gov. Greg Abbott also held three days of roundtable discussions at the state capitol over the summer to discuss things like expanded school protection, mental health screenings and a few narrow gun regulations.

Earlier this year Plano ISD also began requiring high school students to wear ID badges. The district also added several school safety monitors.