PETA bites Texas A&M over 'cruel' golden retriever research

Animal rights activists have unleashed their anger at Texas A&M University, where they say a professor’s experiments on golden retrievers amount to animal cruelty.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) claims Dr. Joseph Kornegay, who works in the school’s Department of Veterinary Integrative Biosciences, is conducting “cruel, useless experiments” on the dogs. The tests involve muscular dystrophy research that PETA says could be carried out without using live canines.
"Three decades of painful experiments on generations of debilitated and suffering golden retrievers have failed to result in a cure or even a treatment that can reverse the course of muscular dystrophy in humans," said Dr. Alka Chandna, PETA's senior laboratory oversight specialist. "PETA is calling for an immediate end to these cruel, useless experiments."
Those claims were amplified in a letter PETA’s Dr. Emily Trunnell wrote to college President Michael Young that asked the college to instead conduct tests with what they call “modern, non-animal, human-relevant studies.”
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