North Texas Giving Day raised $62M for non-profits

The 14th annual North Texas Giving Day raised more than $62 million for North Texas non-profits.

More than 94,000 donors contributed to the 18-hour donation event, including gifts from all 50 states and 41 countries.

"We are thrilled with the millions of dollars that we raised for more than 3,200 nonprofits this year that will do a tremendous amount of good for our community," said Dave Scullin, the President and CEO of Communities Foundation of Texas. "While everyone hopes to raise more money than the year before, our primary goal is to elevate and celebrate the spirit of giving in general."

The organization that raised the most money this year was the North Texas Food Bank, with donations totaling $1,343,002.

This year's contributions push the cumulative amount raised during North Texas Giving Day to more than $500 million since the event started in 2009.

