Nearly 1000 workers scrubbing down Atlanta airport to combat coronavirus

A small army of maintenance workers is trying to keep Atlanta's Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport clean.

"All the products we use are CDC approved," said Stephen Maceyko, an operation supervisor at the airport.

In addition to manpower, the airport is using as much touchless technology as it makes sense so patrons can get what they need hands-free.

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"We are 24-7 operation," Maceyko said. "At night, when our building is less busy, we have the opportunity to do a deep clean."

Experts say COVID-19 can survive for hours at a minimum on surfaces. 

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And the airport has an ongoing problem with homeless individuals. Some go to the bathroom on themselves. To sanitize that waste, workers deploy a special bio kit. 

As of Sunday night, Georgia has five cases of COVID-19, with three in Fulton County, one in Cobb County, and one in Polk County. The state also has six other presumptive positive tests which they are waiting on results: one from Cherokee County, two in Fulton County, two in Cobb County, and one in Gwinnett County. 

RELATED: Grand Princess cruise ship passengers heading to Dobbins Air Base

Monday, state officials announced that they have designated Hard Labor Creek State Park in Morgan County as a location that could be used to isolate any patients with COVID-19 exposure. This announcement came after a weekend release that over 34 passengers of the Grand Princess cruise ship will be transferred to a Cobb County airbase either late Monday or early Tuesday.
