Memorial held for the six Palestine flooding victims
PALESTINE, Texas - It was a day of remembrance in Palestine for the six people who died in violent flash flooding on April 30.
Children lifted up their voices in song at a memorial service for the victim. Five of the victims were children and their great grandmother Linda Asberry.
“Four young people lost their lives and a grandmother who tried her best to walk those kids to safety, and we know the rushing water took their lives,” said Palestine Police Chief Mike Alexander.
Teachers tearfully talked about the students and the impact they left on the students and the teachers themselves.
Jamonicka and Von Anthony gave great hugs,” said Northside Elementary teacher Brenda Dutton. “They never missed an opportunity to request a hug or to give a hug.”
Monday was a night to remember four young children who, at 6,7, 8 and 9 years old, brought joy to those around them
"We were so blessed that we were able to know them and to have them on our campus for a shirt time,” said Southside Elementary teacher Melissa Molandes. “I know that they’re entertaining in heaven right now.
Giovanni Oliva was the sixth person to die in the flood and high school football teammate of NFL running back Adrian Peterson who has donated $100,000 dollars to help the flood victims in the neighborhood he grew up in.
Giovanna’s guiding hand will still play an important role in the development of his children,” said Mayor Bob Herrington. “And his memory will be most certainly with them throughout their adult lives. There is some measure of comfort in knowing that.”