Meals on Wheels delivers Thanksgiving dinners to 5,000 North Texas homebound seniors
Meals on Wheels deliver Thanksgiving food to 5K seniors
Meals on Wheels is making holiday wishes come true for more than 5,000 homebound seniors and disabled adults in Dallas County.
DALLAS - Meals on Wheels is making holiday wishes come true for more than 5,000 homebound seniors and disabled adults in Dallas County.
The organization is celebrating 90 years of community care in North Texas.

Around 900 volunteers and Visiting Nurse Association team members cooked traditional Thanksgiving meals and then headed out the door to make someone’s holiday.
The VNA works year-round to deliver Meals on Wheels to seniors in Dallas, but Thursday was extra special with the Thanksgiving holiday.

Last year, more than 3,000 volunteers delivered more than one million home-delivered meals to seniors in Dallas County.