Sen. John Cornyn speaks on student loan forgiveness, border security, abortion and more

For the latest edition of "Texas-The Issue Is…" FOX 7 Austin reporter Rudy Koski spoke with Sen. John Cornyn.

The longtime Texas senator is sharing his thoughts on student loan forgiveness, border security, abortion laws, and the 2024 presidential election.

KOSKI: Texas Senator John Cornyn is taking on the big issues with us. We start first with the Biden administration's controversial tuition bailout

CORNYN: I think it's a terrible message. It's bad public policy, and it's unfair to people who've paid their college debt off by working two or three jobs or just by consciously meeting their obligations.

KOSKI: If we don't do this, can something be done to lower the cost of education, lower the cost of interest rates? It just doesn't seem fair. It's too high, too costly.

CORNYN: Yeah, that's right. It isn't fair. Right now, the universities have no incentive to control how much money that people get indebted. This is an area that I think is ripe for reform.

KOSKI: On the international front, the Biden administration wants to bring Iran back. Why is that such a bad idea?

CORNYN: Well, because the Biden administration's got to be the world's worst negotiators. We saw what happened with the Taliban in Afghanistan. And in this instance, we know that that Iran will still have a pathway to a nuclear weapon, which is the single worst idea I can think of.

KOSKI: The Democrats believe that Supreme Court has given them the pathway to winning in November with the abortion ruling. Do you agree?

CORNYN: The problem with Roe versus Wade is the Supreme Court made a power grab saying we're not going to let the people decide what the limits should be to abortion, which is admittedly a controversial topic even within same families.

KOSKI: But people are upset.

CORNYN: So this is something I think that we're going to have to have continued conversations about. The legislature is going to have to revisit it now that Roe is no longer with us and the voters will have a chance to express themselves and find some sort of equilibrium which they can live with.

KOSKI: Do you think more exceptions should be available in Texas?

CORNYN: Well, I'm pro-life, proudly pro-life. I think I believe life begins at conception. And so I'm pretty sure.

KOSKI: But rape and incest.

CORNYN: Well, I would make exceptions for those. I think that's probably where the vast majority of people are, but they're not for late-term abortions.

KOSKI: California has outlawed the sale of gasoline vehicles by 2035. Right path?

CORNYN: Goofy idea. I just think it's very impractical. It's I think, frankly unfair to ask, you know, hardworking middle class families to subsidize someone's purchase of an $80,000 ev. It's crazy. That's, of course, what the so-called Inflation Reduction Act did.

KOSKI: No doubt that there's a crisis on the border. Should the governor declare an invasion?

CORNYN: Well, that that is a legal too hard work. That's what it is. And I think in a colloquial sense, that's kind of what we're seeing.

KOSKI: So is saying invasion. That's the way to go.

CORNYN: I don't think that solves any problem by calling it that. And it actually creates some uncertainty about who should be in charge of the border.

KOSKI: The United States continues to send aid to the Ukrainians in their fight against the Russians. At what point do we say we can't finance this anymore?

CORNYN: I very much support providing them the weapons they need to defend their country. But the longer this goes on, I think they're going to be more and more questions; where should we be spending that money? Should we be spending it there or should we be spending that money to build up our defenses in Asia?

KOSKI: Former President Donald Trump remains in the news as we get closer to the next election cycle. Would you like to see him run again or stay on the sidelines?

CORNYN: Well, I'm focused on the midterm election in 2022, and frankly, that looks like there's going to be a lot of people who are interested in running. And, you know, the decision to run for president is basically is making a decision to put yourself and your family through a meat grinder.

KOSKI: I don't think you're hamburger, but have you thought about going to that meat grinder, whether you're going to throw in your hat?

CORNYN: There's no no, I can answer that unequivocally. I've been married 43 years, and I'm not going to jeopardize that by announcing for president.

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