DART and Catholic Charities team up to deliver meals to seniors

DALLAS - Dallas Area Rapid Transit employees and Catholic Charities are delivering meals to homebound seniors.
DART paratransit drivers picked up packages at the Catholic Charities Brady Center in west Dallas Wednesday.
They delivered them to seniors, who each got one week’s worth of meals along with produce and fresh bread.
With DART usage down, officials said it’s a win for everyone.

“With our food pantry here which operates on Tuesday and Thursday, they would normally have about 60 clients coming in per week and it’s up to 230. Likewise, with our senior program we were down to maybe 70 people a day and again we're serving about 144 people now,” said Robin Korevaar, the director at the Brady Senior Services Center.
DART drivers have one passenger on the bus – a staff member from Catholic Charities – along with the bus full of food.