Dallas couple says they were also victimized by child pickpocket

A Dallas couple says they got ripped off a year ago by a woman and child who pick-pocketed them. They believe it's the same woman in a surveillance picture at an Addison restaurant shown Monday on FOX4.

Don Crawford and his fiance Sarah Lee were robbed last year at a Morton's Steakhouse in Uptown Dallas.

“Sarah discovered about 10 minutes later that her wallet was missing because we were about to leave,” Crawford said.

Crawford said he saw the woman with appeared to be a boy in his peripheral vision but thought nothing of it. He remembered the bartender asking if he could help them the woman said she was looking for her husband.

“During that time frame, whatever it was 30 seconds or so, was enough time for the son to reach to his left where Sarah's purse was hanging on the bar under the counter, reach in, lift her wallet and immediately walk out of the building,” Crawford said.

Lee used her phone to check her credit card transactions after the theft and saw as the cards were used minutes after the theft. Within an hour $1,300 was charged to her cards.

Dallas police were able to get a surveillance picture of the woman using Lee's credit card at a Walgreens.

Now, Lee and Crawford believe it's the same person seen on FOX4 on Monday using with the same scheme and manipulating a child to steal.

Anyone who may have been a victim or has information on who the woman and children may be are asked to contact Addison Police Detective McCafferty at 972-450-7115 or rmccafferty@addisontx.gov.