Dallas County's TechShare software delayed even longer

DALLAS - A long-delayed computer program for Dallas County courts will be delayed even longer to the anger and frustration of commissioners.
It has already been six years since the county approved the software by a consortium of counties operating under the name TechShare. It has cost the county $30 million already.
This week, the company revealed it will be another year or longer just to reach the next phase of planning on the software.
"Why wasn't it explicit when implementation would be done?" asked Commissioner J.J. Koch.
"It has not been made explicit when that would be done because the planning hasn't been done yet. We are focused on developing a product right now. That's the project that I have been tasked with. Implementation is to follow," a representative for TechShare replied.
Dallas County spent even more money to hire consultants who told them that after all this time and money, the final product may not be what they think it will be.
Tarrant County is also a partner in the project and like Dallas is still waiting.