Community gathers to remember murdered Richardson 3-year-old one year later
Dallas - A three-year-old Richardson girl who disappeared and was found murdered one year ago was remembered Sunday by a large group of strangers from her community.
The group gathered at Restland Funeral Home in Dallas.
Sherin Mathews was reported missing by her father, Wesley Mathews, last year and police believe he and his wife, Sini Mathews, are in some way responsible for her death.
"Sherin's story touched us and we wanted to participate and show our support and raise awareness," said Syed Sarwar of the Mast Malang Riders.
Richardson police say Wesley initially said Sherin disappeared after he put her outside because she would not drink her milk.
After a two-week search, Sherin’s body was found in a drainage pipe.
That’s when police say Wesley then claimed Sherin actually died choking on milk.
Wesley is indicted on a capital murder charge.
His wife, Sini, is indicted for child abandonment.
The couple has given up their parental rights to their only biological daughter.
"When Sherin's sister becomes 15, 16 years old and goes on to google, she will see the good, the bad and the ugly. And the good will be all of us, supporting her sister that we did not know," said Dev Shapiro, who participated in the remembrance event.
Strangers of all kinds showed up to remember Sherin, from a biker club to the Richardson Police Department and even a state legislator.
"We are here not just to remember Sherin but we failed somewhere and we have to make sure that we don't anymore," said Nawed Khan of the Mast Malang Riders.
Draft legislation called Sherin’s law is expected to go before the state legislature making it illegal for parents to leave a child home alone.
"I know none of you guys know her, she has no family here, so it's definitely something that's an awe moment that all of you guys are here to support her," said Reena Bana who was in attendance.
"Isn't it wonderful that people that don't know one another, that never knew Sherin, that never met Sherin, would come together and want to make sure that her memory is kept alive," said State Representative Linda Koop.
Both parents remain in jail.
Sini Mathews case is set for trial in January.
Wesley Mathews remains in jail on a $2,250,000 bond with a hearing scheduled later this week.