Boy shot in the head, sister wounded by gunfire into their Dallas apartment
DALLAS - A father and his two children were in their Lake Highlands apartment living room when someone started shooting outside – hitting a 13-year-old in the head who was playing video games.
The shooting happened around 2 a.m. Tuesday at the Colinas Royale Apartments near Royal Lane and Abrams Road.
Stephanie Davis is trying to count the number of bullet holes lodged inside her son's apartment. She lost count at 18.
Dallas police say the bullets came from a weapon modified for automatic, rapid fire. One of them struck her 13-year-old grandson, Steph-en, in the head.
“They were shooting so hard that they went straight through the living room wall, the kitchen and into the next apartment in the back,” Davis said.
Davis says her grandson was lying on the floor of the living room playing video games inside the first-floor unit at the Colinas Royale Apartments when someone started shooting in the breezeway outside their unit.
A bullet ended up lodged in Steph-en's neck. His 10-year-old sister, Iyana, was sitting on the sofa with her dad and was also injured.
“She had gotten glass fragments in her body and in her sides,” Davis said.
Both children were taken to Children’s Medical Center and are doing okay. Steph-en was conscious and alert but will require surgery to remove the bullet.
Rochelle Smith and her daughter live one building over. They heard the gunshots and footsteps, but they couldn’t tell if there was one or more shooters.
“It's like what is these people thinking come up. Everyone pretty much has kids, grandkids, little sisters, little brothers,” Smith said. “What are you thinking?”
As far as she knows, Davis says her 37-year-old son is a hard-working single dad who doesn't have problems with anyone. She's hoping detectives make an arrest fast.
“Suppose that was your family,” she said. “You'd want to know why this happen?”
Police said the gang unit is investigating the shooting. There’s no word on a suspect or possible motive.
Anyone with information is urged to contact the Dallas Police Department.