Attorneys: Several still detained at DFW Airport
More than a dozen people were still detained at DFW Airport on Monday after President Donald Trump's immigration ban, attorneys said.
The attorneys who are helping foreign travelers with ties to seven countries say at least 13 people were detained.
"The airport continues to call this 'processing' and is denying that people are being detained," said attorney Chris Hamilton. "But this is greatly exceeding what would be a normal customs review process. All of these people have been inside for more than four hours, and some of them significantly more than four hours."
A family of three, including a child, flew into the airport Monday morning on a flight from Dubai were released after being detained in customs all day.
The attorneys are stationed at the airport in wake of President Trump's travel ban. They say they are getting information from some who were traveling with the family and cleared by customs.
The team of about 100 volunteer lawyers said they're poised to file an emergency legal action with federal courts if they aren't released soon.
"We have lawyers at the airport, working remotely and teams manning around the clock ready to file writs of habeas corpus for any people that continue to be wrongfully detained. We hope these people are going to be coming out soon,” said Hamilton.
People protested at airports across America during the weekend, including DFW Airport where nine people were detained over the weekend.