Argument leads to shooting, standoff in Old East Dallas
DALLAS - Dallas SWAT officers surrounded an apartment in Old East Dallas where the suspect in an early morning shooting was believed to be hiding.
The Dallas Police Department said the shooting happened around 3:30 a.m. Wednesday in the 4900 block of Bryan Street.
Two men who live in the area were got into an argument with a man from a nearby apartment. The fight between the neighbors turned violent, police said.
One man was shot in the neck and the other in the chest. Both were taken to the hospital but one has already been released, police said.
The alleged gunman ran off before police arrived. Later in the day, police thought he was barricaded inside his apartment. SWAT officers could be heard telling him to come out with his hands in the air.
However, a spokesman for Dallas police said no one was inside the apartment with SWAT officers went in.