Study finds alarming number of college sexual assults

A new study puts the problem of college sexual assaults in sharper focus. Courtney Underwood, the executive director of the SANE Initiative and an advocate for victims of sexual assault joins Good Day to explain.

The Association of American Universities conducted a study on 27 college campuses across the country including the University of Texas and Texas A&M. Some very prestigious universities like Harvard and Yale were included as well.

One in four undergraduate women surveyed said they experienced unwanted sexual contact by physical force, threats of physical force or incapacitation during college.

Underwood said those numbers are troubling. The fact that many cases go unreported is also a huge problem.

“I think this report is one of many that will start to show all the numbers that advocates and researchers have been putting out over the last couple of years. One out of every five females will be sexually assaulted during her undergraduate career,” she said.

She said the report also does a good job of highlighting that freshmen girls are the most at risk.

“It’s so important for parents. You’re still in that window. Call your kids. Call your sons, call your daughters. Everybody’s at risk. It’s also good to remind them what to watch out for. Remind them of the bystander effect. If you see something that shouldn’t be happening, you should step in,” Underwood said.

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