3 Fun and Easy Crostini Builds
3 Fun and Easy Crostini Builds
French Baguette, Sourdough round, or Pain Au Levian Bread.
Olive Oil (Extra Virgin)
Prep Bread:
Cut Bread "on the bias" in a diagonal line creating an elongated slice of the bread. Slices should be approximately ¼- 3/8" thick.
Brush both sides of bread with Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Best to grill bread, slightly toasted with grill marks; however, a toaster oven or
oven broiler can substitute.
*** You will want four pieces of bread for each recipe below. Go ahead and grill bread ahead of time and set aside. Each recipe
below yields 1 serving of four pieces each.
Grilled Pear Crostini:
8 oz. Blue Cheese
2 - Bosch Pear
Spring of Fresh Rosemary
Smoked salt
Teaspoon Honey
Finely chop fresh rosemary petals and slice Pear in thin slices. Brush pear slices with Olive Oil, smoked salt and chopped rosemary
and grill or toast till slightly translucent or soft.
Build: On top of bread slices place the grilled pear, top with sprinkled Blue cheese and then drizzle honey. Time to enjoy.
Avocado Love Crostini:
1 - Avocado
12 oz. Grape Tomatoes (preferably mix medley).
Truffle Oil (splash)
1 Bunch of Fresh Basil
1 oz grated parmesan
Smoked Salt
Roll basil leaves together into a roll and slice finely. Cut grape tomatoes in half, you will want a cup of tomatoes. Toss grape
tomatoes, tablespoon of basil and splash of truffle oil and a pinch of smoked salt in bowl, set aside.
Build: On top of bread slices place sliced Avocado to get full coverage of bread, drizzle a splash of truffle oil and a pinch of smoked
salt, top with the basil and tomato mix from above. Finish with parmesan cheese on top. Time to enjoy.
Fig R & Olive Crostini:
4 each Kalamata Olives
8 oz Goat Cheese
4 each Dried Figs
Cut figs on the bias, in elongated slices and finely cut the chives, cut olives in half and set aside.
Build: On top of bread slices spread goat cheese to get 80% coverage. Place two slices of dried fig and two halves of olives on top of
the goat cheese. This recipe is about the perfect balance of flavors, so more is not better. Finish with a touch of chives on each slice.
Time to enjoy.
Each plate should have four Crostini slices. These recipe are about small bites of the perfect balance of flavors, best plated and
served in small batches.