Wreaths Across America seeking donations ahead of Monday deadline

DALLAS - Organizers of Wreaths Across America say they need help this year honoring our nation's veterans.
Each year, in mid-December, the group places a wreath at each veteran's grave, including at Dallas-Fort Worth National Cemetery.
Organizers say they are more than 5,000 wreaths short this year, with a deadline of Monday night.
"It's really important for families that come out here to visit their loved ones to know that their sacrifice wasn’t in vain," said Misty Weaver of Wreaths Across America.
The annual event also aims to teach people about U.S. military members.
The special ceremony at DFW National Cemetery is December 14.
"When we go to lay the wreaths down we say their name so that they are never forgotten," said Weaver.
Wreaths Across America approaches deadline
More than 52,000 wreaths have been donated in DFW, but thousands more are needed.
The goal is to raise money for nearly 59,000 wreaths before Monday's deadline.
Each wreath sponsorship is $17.
"For every two wreaths that are sponsored, Wreaths Across America will give us one for free, so that’s going to help us get to our goal faster," explained Weaver. "We definitely need your help because this is 100% citizen-funded. It's only by the wonderful people in Dallas-Fort Worth that we are able to make this possible."
You can sponsor wreath at this page.