Want to vote for Texas governor? Today’s the last day to register

DALLAS - Election day is less than a month away, and Tuesday is the last day to register to vote.
Here is what you need to know to get registered to vote.
Local voter registration events
Dallas County is offering a way to make the process easier for its residents.
The county’s elections department is holding a drive-thru event at its office at 1460 Round Table Drive, near the North Stemmons Freeway.
Those who need to register or update their voter registration information are encouraged to show.
"I think a lot of people maybe registered a long time ago, or they moved. They don’t know if they need to update their voter registration information. They’ve gotten married, changed their name," said Nic Solorzano with the Dallas County Elections Office.
The Elections Office also gave people a taste of what voting will look like this year.
"We can show you how to use the equipment, so you can be prepared when you do go out to the polling location," said Esmeralda Garcia with the Dallas County Elections Office.
The event starts at 7 a.m. and runs through midnight.
The Kaufman County Elections Office will also stay open until 7 p.m. Tuesday to give residents some extra time to register.
How to register to vote
In order to register to vote for the first time in Texas you must complete a voter registration application, and take or mail it to your county election office. You can get your application online or you can request a printed application to be mailed to your home.
Texas voter registration deadline 2022
Tuesday, Oct. 11, 2022 is the deadline to register to vote in the November 2022 election. You must register to vote at a local election office, or have your voter application in the mail and postmarked by the Oct. 11 deadline.
Where is my county election office?
How to check voter registration status in Texas
The Texas Secretary of State's office has set up a website that lets you check your voter registration status. When you put in your information you can see your polling places for Election Day and Early Voting.
The website is not the official voter registration list. If you have concerns about your voter registration status the state encourages you to contact your county voter registrar.
Can I register to vote online in Texas?
You cannot register to vote online in Texas. The state does allow you to download and fill out your voter registration application online, but it must be printed out and taken or mailed to your county election office by Oct. 11.
If you are already registered to vote you can update your name and address online. The state says you can expect to receive your new voter registration card within 30 days. If you submit changes after that, the state says you must vote at your current polling location.
In order to update your information online you must provide:
- Current Driver License or ID Card
- Social Security Number
- Voter Registration Card VUID (Voter Unique Identifier). You can get the number from your county registrar's office.
Click here to update your voter registration information online
What will I be voting on?
Key races on the ballot for the upcoming election include the race for Texas governor, attorney general and lieutenant governor.
Some United States and state representatives, along with members of the Texas Board of Education are also up for election.
Early voting starts on Oct. 24 and runs through Nov. 4.
Election day is Nov. 8.