Texas vehicle registration waiver expires Wednesday

There are less than 48 hours to get your vehicle registration up-to-date in the state of Texas.

"It's human nature and so we know a lot of people are gonna wait to the last minute and they are and so our drive-through lines are very long," says Travis County Tax Assessor Bruce Elfant.

Long lines can be seen across the state at county tax offices like the one off Airport Boulevard in Austin as people are rushing to get their vehicles registered last minute in order to avoid getting a ticket.


"Here we are on the deadline and unfortunately there's a lot of people who waited too long and they're gonna run the risk of getting a ticket," Elfant said.

Vehicle registrations were originally put on hold by Gov. Greg Abbott due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, but that waiver ends on Wednesday.

"We didn't want people going out in public to do this and the governor agreed and suspended the deadlines and then in January he announced that the deadline suspension would be ending on April 14 and we've been doing everything we can since January to let the public know," Elfant said.


If you're one of the ones who waited till the last minute and are looking to either set up an appointment or show up in person before the Wednesday deadline, you're probably out of luck. However, there is another option.

"We would encourage people to go online if their registration is less than nine months expired. Online is going to be the most convenient way to update registration," Elfant said.

Drivers can apply to renew online and are advised to have their car's license plate number and insurance readily available as well as a way to pay. Once completed, drivers can print out a temporary registration pass while the new one comes in the mail.
