Suspect steals ring off woman in casket at Texas funeral home
ODESSA, Fla. - A Texas family already mourning the loss of a loved one is now reeling from a terrible crime.
A woman was caught on video stealing the ring off their loved one's body at the funeral home. Now, authorities in Odessa, Texas are trying to figure out who did it.
In the surveillance video taken at Sunset Funeral Home, the woman is seen standing over the woman in the casket. She rubs her hand and gets closer to her and after a couple minutes, walks away. After the woman left, the ring belonging to 88-year-old Lois Hicks appeared to be missing and the finger where the ring was sitting was scratched.
Brooke Vaughan Burns posted the video of the woman stealing from her grandmother on her Facebook page. "Please keep sharing this. This horrible woman has not yet been identified and is still out there to strike again. Someone has to know her. If so please call the Odessa police," she wrote.
The suspect is described as a heavy set white female wearing a brown long sleeve sweater, black sweat pants and black sandals. She fled the scene in a red or maroon 4-door Saturn.
Anyone with information about her identity is urged to to contact the Odessa Police Department or Odessa Crime Stoppers at 432-333-TIPS.