Rain dampens Friday night football plans
Friday’s rain put a damper on the high school football season. Some games were either delayed or canceled. But there were still fans that braved the rain to cheer on their favorite teams.
The game between Trimble Tech and Paschal was a wet one, but fans still came out to show their support.
"Cold. Hot. Whatever it is. You got to support him anyhow,” said Trimble Tech fan Jose Rodriguez. “Ain't gonna stop me. As long as no tornado hits, we're good."
Most at least brought an umbrella, while others just sat in the rain.
"Trying to watch the game, really,” said student Iram Nieto. “Yeah, no umbrella. We don't need no umbrella. This is Texas. We’re used to the weather."
For some, thoughts turned to the weekend forecast and all the plans that will likely be washed away.
"I guess I'll be watching a lot of movies this weekend,” Rodriguez said.
School officials are actively monitoring the weather.