One death, 65 new COVID-19 cases reported Monday in Dallas County

Dallas County reported its 32nd death due to COVID-19 coronavirus on Monday.

Health officials said the person who died was a woman in her 80s who lived at a long-term care facility in Dallas.

The county also reported 65 new coronavirus cases for a total of 1,788, the second-most cases in the state.

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Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins is asking people to be patient and keep following social distancing guidelines because they are working.

“Today’s numbers may be artificially low due to some labs being closed yesterday. #SaferAtHome is working because the vast majority of the people of North Texas are making good personal responsibility decisions. Keep it up and together we will #FlattenTheCurve,” said Jenkins.

Tarrant County reported 70 new cases on Monday for a total of 876. There were no additional deaths, which remained at 25 in the county during the pandemic.

RELATED: Interactive map of Texas COVID-19 cases