Notable tropical weather to rake Texas since 1900

Tropical Storm Harvey intensified Thursday into a hurricane and steered for the Texas coast. A look at other tropical weather systems that have has hit Texas since 1900, with details on death and damages. The National Weather Service did not start naming storms until the 1950s. Dollar figures have not been adjusted for inflation.
-Sept. 13, 2008, Hurricane Ike slams ashore near Galveston; 37 deaths. Damages: $29.5 billion. Second-costliest U.S. hurricane after Katrina.
-Sept. 24, 2005: Hurricane Rita hits along Texas-Louisiana border; 110 deaths, most during evacuation. Damages: $12 billion.
-June 4-20, 2001: Tropical Storm Allison's torrential downpours linger, punishing Houston with floods that claim 41 lives. Damage $5 billion.
- Aug. 18, 1983: Hurricane Alicia hits Galveston-Houston; 21 dead. Damages: $9 billion.
- Sept. 11, 1961: Hurricane Carla batters Port O'Connor-Galveston-Houston; 46 dead. Damages: $300 million
- Sept. 4, 1933: Hurricane Brownsville hit; 40 dead. Damages: $16.9 million.
- Aug. 13, 1932: A hurricane hits Velasco (Freeport) hit; 41 dead. Damages: $7.5 million.
- Sept. 14, 1919: A hurricane makes landfall south of Corpus Christi; 284 dead. Damages: $20.3 million.
- Aug. 18, 1916: Corpus Christi hit by a hurricane; 20 dead. Damages: $1.6 million.
- Aug. 16, 1915: Galveston struck by a hurricane; 275 dead. Damages: More than $56 million, most to crops.
- July 21, 1909: Velasco (Freeport) hit by a hurricane; 41 dead. Damages: at least $2 million.
- Sept. 8, 1900: Galveston hit by a hurricane; more than 6,000 dead. Damages: $30 million to $40 million. Deadliest natural disaster in U.S. history.