North Texas churches welcome Harvey evacuees for Sunday service
Harvey evacuees staying in North Texas were able to worship and find some fellowship on Sunday.
Voices and spirits were lifted during a worship service to welcome some Harvey victims, who came to Christ Church in Irving by vans that stopped at shelters to offer them a ride.
Christ Church co-pastor Keith Luttrell taught from the book of psalms.
"When the hurricane comes and the water rises we will not be afraid because God is our everlasting help in times of need,” Luttrell said.
Two congregations joined for the service: Christ Church and Bear Creek Community Church. Joann Klein, who eventually escaped the flood waters in Dickinson, says it helps to talk about her experience.
"The water came up intensely, very quick. Within 3 hours it was up to my thighs,” Klein said. "I ran out to get the cars and park them on high ground. I parked them on high ground for a while and that worked for a while... but nobody was able to come out and get us."
The storm and the bible message intertwined at Sunday’s service.
"Storms are going to pop up in our lives. And whether your storm is named Harvey, whether your storm is named Irene, Matthew, Katrina... your storm may not even be a natural disaster,” said Pastor Dennis Webb, Bear Creek Community Church.
The churches put together a big barbecue dinner for everyone after the service. They say they didn't know whether to expect two evacuees or 200, but they felt compelled either way to make the gesture.