New poll shows Cruz leading Trump in Indiana

Indianapolis, IN - After Donald Trump's five state sweep along the eastern seaboard last week, there is increasing pressure on U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz to score a big win in Indiana's Republican primary Tuesday night.
A new poll puts the Texas senator in a favorable position.
The Mike Downs Center for Indiana Politics poll shows 44.8 percent of respondents support Sen. Cruz and 29 percent favor Trump. Ohio Gov. John Kasich polls third with 13.3 percent.
The margin tightens considerably when undecided voters are factored in. 13 percent of voters said they don't know who they would vote for.
Trump enters the next round of primaries with more than 80 percent of the delegates needed to win the nomination.
The poll was conducted among 400 voters across the state from April 13-27. It has a margin of error of 4.9 percent.