Man accused of kidnapping woman arrested following chase in Dallas

DALLAS - Dallas police arrested a kidnapping suspect following a chase early Saturday morning.
Officers were called out just after 1:15 a.m. for a kidnapping call in the 5600 block of Winslow Ave.
After arriving at the scene, officers were told a woman was forced into a vehicle.
A witness who was following the suspect’s vehicle gave police a description of the vehicle, and let them know which way it was traveling.
Officers were able to get behind the vehicle, and then pulled it over.
The suspect, identified as 43-year-old Javier Arriaga, initially stopped, but then drove off and fled from police.
Police chased after the vehicle, and when Arriaga slowed the vehicle down, the kidnapping victim was able to get out in the 3200 block of Merrifield Ave.
Arriaga continued to drive away from officers, but later stopped and then fled on foot.
Air One was able to direct officers to his location, and Arriaga was then taken into custody in the 2800 block of Grovehill.
The victim and Arriaga were checked for injuries, but neither were seriously injured.