DISD sued for basketball player's wrongful death
The family of a Wilmer-Hutchins High School basketball player who was beaten to death is suing the Dallas Independent School District.
Troy Causey died last March. Jonathan Turner, a basketball player at Madison High School, was charged in his death.
The two teens shared a home in Oak Cliff. They got into an argument and police said Turner ended up kicking Causey in the head until his skull was crushed.
The wrongful death lawsuit alleges DISD illegally recruited both Causey and Turner without parental approval and placed them in the home together so they could play basketball.
"They sold Troy a dream he bought into it and it cost him his life," said Marwan Porter, the family's attorney.
The Dallas County Juvenile Department is also named in the suit for its role in the alleged illegal behavior.
Causey's death prompted an investigation into sports recruiting at DISD, with dozens of coaches and administrators fired.
Dallas County is also conducting an investigation to see if something illegal transpired at the youth village detention facility. The county wants to know if coaches were allowed to recruit talented athletes who had trouble with the law and illegally place them in athletic programs outside of their home districts.