Dallas Summer Musicals hosts much-needed local blood drive
Dallas Summer Musicals hosts blood drive Friday at Fair Park
Carter BloodCare and Dallas Summer Musicals are teaming up because the need for blood at our hospitals is critical. Friday's blood drive starts at 10 a.m. and lasts through 4 p.m. People are encouraged to make an appointment by texting 800-366-2834. More: carterbloodcare.org
DALLAS - While much of the world is on hold, the need for blood donations continues.
Dallas Summer Musicals is teaming up with Carter BloodCare on Friday to host a blood drive at the Musical Hall at Fair Park.
Carter BloodCare officials said that with more people staying home, regulars aren’t donating blood, making the need for blood donations even higher.
The organization has created a safe donation experience that complies with social distancing guidelines. Areas also undergo extra sanitation and there are pre-screening procedures in place to keep people safe.
The blood drive runs until 4 p.m. People are encouraged to make an appointment by texting 800-366-2834 and to fill out forms before they arrive by visiting https://qs.carterbloodcare.org/HOME/INDEX.
Because this is a county and state-approved medical appointment, people are allowed to leave their homes to donate blood.
LINK: www.carterbloodcare.org
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