Dallas mom facing charges after 2-year-old is hit by car

DALLAS - The mother of a 2-year-old girl who was hit by a car while wandering in the street is now facing criminal charges.
Dallas police said the little girl was hit Wednesday around 8:30 p.m. on Chariot Drive, which runs between several apartment buildings near the intersection of Buckner Boulevard and Forney Road in East Dallas.
She walked out from between two parked vehicles and into the street. The driver of a passing car couldn’t see her until it was too late and the little girl was dragged a short distance, police said.
The girl was taken to the hospital in an unknown condition. Police said she had minor scrapes and burns and possibly some internal injuries.
The driver did stop to help the child and is not expected to face any charges.
However, police said the girl’s mother will be charged with child endangerment. They did not elaborate on where the mother was or why the little girl was outside alone.