Corsicana police arrest 3 suspects after police chase

Stock image of police lights. (FOX TV Stations)

Corsicana Police officers arrested three men in the area where a drive-by shooting happened the day before.

What we know:

Two people were injured on Friday in a drive-by shooting in the 700 block of W. 11th Avenue in Corsciana, according to police.

Officers were called for reports of gunfire in the same area at 9:10 p.m. on Saturday.

Police in the area caught up to a suspect's vehicle near South 15th and West 10th.

The suspects attempted to drive away from the officers.

The pursuit ended in the 2100 block of West 11th when three suspects jumped out of the vehicle before it hit a tree.

Two suspects ran from the scene, but all three were eventually arrested.

One had to be taken to the hospital for treatment after receiving injuries while fleeing the scene.

Police say they recovered two guns with devices that convert the to fully automatic weapons.

Corsicana police say all three suspects have extensive criminal histories and are expected to face several felony charges.

What we don't know:

Police have not released the names of the suspects.

They have also not said if they are the suspects in Friday's shootings.

Corsicana Police say they will give more updates after the suspects are arraigned.

The Source: Information in this article comes from Corsicana Police.


Navarro CountyCrime and Public Safety