Central Texas police warn of "bruja" scam targeting Hispanic community

 (Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images)

Authorities in Central Texas are warning about a “bruja” scam targeting the Hispanic community.

Bryan police say they at least six victims met with a bruja, which is Spanish for witch or sorceress, and were scammed out of more than $100,000.

Between June 3 and 4, Bryan PD says several victims met with a bruja in the 2100 block of E. William J. Bryan Parkway.

Police say the visits started off with a tarot card reading or other services ranging from $25 to $250.  After several visits, the bruja offered to “cleanse” the client’s money. She claimed it would bring good luck and potentially double their money.

Police say the victims in the six cases left the scammer with more than $116,000. When they returned to pick up their money, the bruja was gone.

“Before going into business with anyone contact the Better Business Bureau. Ask if the business has a permit or if they are licensed, bonded and insured,” Bryan police advised. “Never leave cash money with someone you do not know. But if you decide to give them your money, always get several forms of identification, take a photo of the person, tattoos and vehicles they may have.”