3 SMU students recovering from confirmed cases of the coronavirus

DALLAS - Three students at Southern Methodist University have tested positive for COVID-19.
The university said they were all tested after leaving for spring break. But the students were on the University Park campus within 14 days of getting the positive results.
All three are recovering at home and only one case is travel-related.
A grad student studying business who lives off campus attended a single class after returning from an international study trip tested positive on March 15.
An undergrad living in Loyd Commons was last on campus on March 13 and later tested positive after returning home out-of-state. Another undergrad who lived off-campus was last on campus on March 13 later tested positive after returning home out-of-state.
SMU President R. Gerald Turner said the university was "making every effort" to find people who may have come into contact with the students.
SMU has moved all of its classes online for the rest of the semester.
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