Texas man creates smart bone toy for dogs

A Texas pet-preneur has put a high-tech spin on a classic dog toy.

Santiago Gutierrez is an electrical engineer who felt bad for leaving his dog, Rufus, home alone while he was working long hours. So he created a toy to keep Rufus entertained even when he wasn't home.

Guitierrez launched an original prototype three years ago. Now the GoBone is a reality. The app-enabled chewable bone can be programmed with treats and interactive games like fetch and hide and seek.

“This is the world’s first smart bone. You know you have your smartphone to keep you busy during the day? While now your dog has their very own smart bone to do the same thing,” he said.

Best of all, the GoBone has a replaceable exterior and eight-hour battery life.

LINK: mygobone.com/?v=7516fd43adaa