Save Me Steve: Sparkler Safety

Sparklers are often regarded as a family-friendly way to celebrate the Fourth of July. But consumer reporter Steve Noviello says buyers beware. The stats on sparklers are eye-opening.

Sparklers are the second leading cause of firework injuries requiring hospitalization, especially for young children.

They burn at a temperature of around 2,000 degrees. To put that in perspective, wood burns at 575 degrees and glass melts at 900 degrees. Sparklers burn more than twice as hot. In fact, they burn hot enough to melt gold and, of course, cause third-degree burns.

You’d never hand your child a soldering iron to play with. Maybe it’s time to give sparklers more consideration.

According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, in 2017 there were eight fireworks deaths and almost 13,000 injuries. Again, sparklers were one of the leading causes of those injuries.

If you or someone you know does get burned, the American Burn Association recommends seeking medical attention and advises not to use ointments because they actually seal in the heat.