Pork Belly with Garnish & Glaze

Chef Jeffrey Kollinger from Tillman's Roadhouse in Oak Cliff stops by Good Day to promote the upcoming Palette to Palate event. The fundraiser benefits disadvantaged children.

Pork Belly

Prep time 24hrs
Cook time 3hrs plus prep time
Serves 5 to 6

3 lb raw uncured pork belly
1 cup pork rub  (Salt , pepper , cayenne, Garlic powder to taste)
1 gal pork stock or chicken stock
2 bay leaves
1 thyme sprig
1 sprig of rosemary

Rub Pork belly with pork rub and refrigerate for at least 12hrs overnight, flipping it over at least one to rotate.

Place belly whole in deep roasting pan with herbs and cover with stock until completely sub-merged tightly cover with parchment and foil.

In a 300 degree oven braise belly for at least 3 hours until knife tender.

Once you remove from oven carefully remove belly onto half sheep pan and refrigerate be-fore attempting to slice. Once cooled removed andy excess fat and portion into thick 2 oz portioned slices and set aside.


Prep time 20 mins
Cook time 15mins
Serves 5 to 6

2 large dice sweet potato
1/2 c maple syrup
1 cup Dr Pepper BBQ
1 lb coleslaw mix (carots, green and purple cabbage)
2 cups pickle coleslaw dressing

In Small pot cook sweet potatoes in water until soft. Puree in blender and Season with Maple and salt. Set aside.

In medium bowl mix coleslaw mix and dressing and season to taste with salt and pepper.

Jalapeno Bourboun Glaze

Prep time 20 mins
Cook time 10 mins
Serves 5 to 6

1qt light brown sugar
2 T red wine vinegar
1 T apple cider vinegar
1 jalapeno (deseeded and cut in half)
1 1/2c bourbon
1/4 c sriracha (or to taste)

In a extremely clean sauce pot or preferably cast iron skillet on low heat slowly melt brown sugar. You may add 1T of water to help the melting process.

Once melted and slightly bubbling slowly add vinegars and throw in jalapeno. Let come to boil again

Pour in bourbon away from flame and carefully ignite bourbon and allow to completely evaporate (until there is no flame) Remove jalapeno with slotted spoon and finish glaze with desired amount of Sriracha

In separate cast Iron medium heat Sear porkbelly until golden and crispy. Serve along with accompanied sides. Enjoy
