Crown Block Avocado Toast

Avocado Toast From Crown Block

1 Avocado
1 Slice of Sourdough Bread or your preference
6-8 pieces of heirloom cherry tomatoes
1 tbsp of pickled red onion
1 tbsp of spiced pepitas
1 tbsp Olive oil
Micro Arugula or petite greens of your choice
Half of a Lime
Sea Salt to taste
Black Pepper to taste

1. Season your bread with olive oil, salt, and pepper, then toast it on the grill or cast iron pan.
2. Slice your tomatoes to your preference and season with olive oil, salt and pepper.
3. Smash your avocado and also season with olive oil, salt, pepper and squeeze
half of a lime.
4. Spread the avocado on your toast then garnish it with pepitas, then the tomatoes, finished with pickled red onions and your micro greens, 
5. Serve and enjoy with your green juice for an ultimate nourishing breakfast!

Spiced Pepitas
2 cups of Pepitas
½ tsp cayenne pepper
½ tsp paprika
½ tsp cumin
½ tsp garlic powder
½ tsp onion powder
1 tsp salt
3 tbsp oil

1. In a 10-inch skillet, heat the olive oil over medium heat until simmering.
2. Add the pepitas and toss to coat with the oil.
3. Whisk together all the dry spices and salt.
4. Sprinkle half spice mixture.
5. Cook, stirring almost constantly so the spices don't burn, until many of the pepitas have turned light brown and made a popping sound, about 5 minutes.
6. Turn off the heat, sprinkle with the remaining spice mixture.
7. Taste for salt and heat.

Pickled Red Onion
2 Whole Red Onions
2 Cups of Champagne Vinegar
Half a cup of Lime Juice
3 Tablespoon of Sugar
3 Tablespoon of Salt

1. Slice the top and bottom off the onion and then slice the onion in half, from top to bottom. Remove the outer peel. Lay the cut surfaces of the onion onto the cutting board, and then slice into half-moons about 1/8 thick using a very sharp knife. I also recommend using a mandoline for slicing the onions, especially if you like super thin or very even slices.
2. In a medium saucepan, whisk together champagne vinegar, sugar, and salt. Place over medium-high heat and bring mixture to a boil. Whisk until sugar and salt dissolve, then remove pan from heat and whisk in lime juice.
3. Carefully add sliced onion to the pan and gently stir to combine. Let mixture cool completely at room temperature, stirring occasionally.
4. Pour into a glass container (I like to use a large canning jar), cover tightly with a lid, and refrigerate until thoroughly chilled. The pickled flavor will intensify over time, but ready to enjoy after resting overnight in the refrigerator. This recipe is for refrigerator pickling only and needs to be stored in a refrigerator. Enjoy for up to one month.

Green Juice
1 apple
1 pear
1 cucumber
1 knob of ginger
1 stick of celery
1 cup spinach
1 cup chopped kale

1. Clean and chop your vegetables and fruit, sizing will vary depending on what juicer equipment you are using.
2. Place it in your juicer.
3. Strain, if you prefer.
4. Serve with your avocado toast.

Good Day RecipesRecipes