Windy and warm for your Sunday

Did you like yesterday's weather? Then you'll love what's on tap for today. Only one difference... and that's the winds. Winds will increase as the day rolls on out of the south 15-25 mph and then diminish after sunset. Highs will be around 83° with mostly sunny skies.
Tonight, areas northeast of the Metroplex will see a 20% chance of rain this evening, eventually exiting the area by early morning. Lows will be in the mid 50s.
Monday brings a 20% chance of storms in the afternoon, mainly north of I-20. Highs will be in the low and mid 70s with mostly cloudy skies.
Tuesday, rain chances increase to 30% with highs in the upper 70s and mostly cloudy skies.
Best chance of rain (at this point) looks to be Tuesday PM into Wednesday AM for the Metroplex.