Volunteers give thanks by helping the community

Faith was in action this Thanksgiving Day. The People’s Missionary Baptist Church in South Dallas opened its doors not to receive, but to give.

Hundreds of people showed up at the church to serve hot food to people in the community.

“Oh, it’s a great day in Dallas. They doing a thing for the community. They giving hot plates and food for the kids,” said Samuel Edwards, a recipient.

The S.M. Wright Foundations, named after the church’s founding pastor, serves the South Dallas and Fair Park areas. Wright’s son is carrying the mantle of his father’s ministry.

“It’s just wonderful to bless so many hundreds of families that come through here today. And they are very excited and happy. We’re so thankful the volunteers have come to volunteer on this wonderful day of giving,” said Pastor S.M. Wright, II.

Volunteers like Walter Cavazos have made it a family tradition.

“Man this is our second time coming out here. A great family invited us last year and we love, we love helping people, man. It’s a great time to help others and there’s not a better way to do that then come together,” he said.

People’s Missionary Baptist Church has been on the corner of Pine and Electra streets for 96 years. It’s the 20th year for the Thanksgiving giveaway, providing food, clothing, bus passes to those who need them the most.

“I’m just glad that we’re able to step up with our partners and sponsors who are able to come and undergird us and help us too so we can provide the mission for this day,” Wright said.

The mission is a calling for the people at People’s Missionary Baptist Church to spread their faith, not with words but with work.