Boy who beat cancer becomes real-life superhero

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A 7-year-old had a busy morning fighting crime. He's already beat cancer. Now, he's saving lives.

It was real make-believe at the DFW Airport Fire Training Center Friday as Super Aidan rode in a giant fire truck and put out a burning airplane. It was a ploy by villains holding his doctor hostage from Cook Children's Medical Center.

Super Aidan came to the rescue and saved the day. The miracle is that Aidan Wallace is the boy in his dreams.

"He's a fighter. He's always had an amazing imagination. Good to see him this way,” said Dr. Lauren Akers, Aidan’s doctor. “He's been off of therapy a year, and he looks awesome."

Aidan was 5 years old when he was diagnosed with cancer and beat the worst of villains.

"He is back to being a normal kid,” said Leslie Ann Wallace, Aidan’s mother. “He's 7 now. Seeing him have his strength and energy back, this is a wonderful day. He is truly a hero. He's strong enough to be one."

It all began earlier in the day. Aidan was showing his classmates his Super Aidan suit when, as fate would have it, there was trouble in the city. It was time for Super Aidan to fly into action.

A pirate was wreaking havoc in his library at Colin Powell Elementary so Super Aidan threw the book at him.

Thanks to Make-a-Wish of North Texas, Aidan had a day he'll never forget.

"What Make-a-Wish does is help kids and bring some hope and strength and joy as they're fighting life-threatening illnesses,” said Rob Lloyd with the organization.

Super Aidan took down another villain at GameStop who was trying to spoil holiday gifts for kids.

It was all in a day’s work for the boy who is truly a hero.
