2 charged with felonies over dog mauling that severely injured man

Two people have been charged in a dog attack that left an Arlington man brutally mauled.

58-year-old Milton Sturges was attacked by two pit bulls, losing his ears and his nose. In a police affidavit, doctors described the dog mauling as the worst they’ve seen.

Arlington police tracked down the dogs’ owners and arrested 37-year-old Lerondrick Taylor and 39-year-old Michelle Taylor.

“We believe these dogs were getting out on a frequent basis. Very lucky no child or someone was not seriously injured or killed. Evident these owners could not control the dogs,” said Arlington Police Lt. Chris Cook.

Police say an officer had to shoot and kill the dogs to stop the attack. The attack happened in late September and it took investigators time to figure out where the dogs came from. Police documents say the owners tried to substitute another dog as their own, pretending he was alive and well.

Investigators say they were able to recover social media posts placing the two pit bulls in the Taylors’ home even after a Facebook account was deleted.

”The man almost lost his life and for the rest of his life he will have numerous scares from all the surgeries, the deformation of his face,” said Lt. Cook.

A woman who saw the attack didn’t want her name used, but tells FOX 4 the dogs had latched on to the victim.

Police filed the more serious charges of Attack by Dog. Dog bite incidents are usually civil cases, but Arlington Police say this mauling was so severe, it’s the first time they’ve used a state law that makes this a felony.

FOX 4 reached out to Sturges’ family for a response. Police say he is very pleased they made the arrests and he’s now home recovering.

The Attack by Dog charge can bring a sentence between 2 and 10 years in prison and a $10,000 fine.