Wisconsin man practices social distancing by sharing beer with neighbor via RC car
Man delivers beer to his neighbor via RC car in Wisconsin
A man in Wisconsin practiced social distancing by sharing a beer with his neighbor by delivering the bottle on a remote-controlled car across the street.
RICHFIELD, Wis. - While the coronavirus pandemic is affecting nearly every aspect of our lives, some are finding ways to connect with their neighbors -- while maintaining proper social distancing. Eric Trzcinski of Richfield is the perfect example of this.
Trzcinski was recently driving home from work when he had this creative idea for sharing a beer with his neighbor across the street. Trzcinski is a car guy -- and strapped a spare exhaust tip from his collection to the back of his remote control car using zip ties. The exhaust tip was exactly the right size to hold a bottle of beer.
After loading the exhaust tip with a Corona (yes, that was intended), Trzcinski called his friend Trevor Reinke across the street -- and told him to shoot video after Trzcinski's garage opened. The result is the video above -- Trzcinski's RC car driving across the street and delivering a cold one to his buddy.
Trzcinski tells FOX6 News, his original video he posted to Facebook racked up more than 5 million views in just three days.
We applaud him for his creativity -- and for bringing a smile to all of our faces.