Scam text message says you've come in contact with someone with coronavirus

THOMASTON, ME - Police are warning residents about a new texting scam designed to scare you into thinking you've come in contact with someone with COVID-19.
The Thomaston Police Department in Maine posted the warning to their Facebook page.
The message reads, "Someone who came in contact with you tested positive or has shown symptoms for COVID-19 & recommends you self-isolate/get tested."
There is a link attached for users to click on for more information, but police say don't do it.
"If you receive a text message like the one pictured below, DO NOT click the link! It is not a message from any official agency. It is however a gateway for bad actors to find their way into your world."
Police say this is a phishing scam that tries to get personal information from people.
"The virus is not the only invisible enemy. Be vigilant against all threats!"
Recently, deputies in Florida had to warn residents after there were reports of people going door-to-door, dressed in white lab coats, offering coronavirus testing -- for a fee.
RELATED: Scammers are going door-to-door offering coronavirus testing, Osceola sheriff warns