Huge crowds expected Sunday for Mega March 2017

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Dallas police are preparing for tens of thousands of protesters to march through Downtown on Palm Sunday. It's being called the "Mega March" after a similar event in 2006, when the city estimates half-a-million people marched.

This year, organizers anticipate as many as 100,000 people marching. A small group of them gathered Saturday to make signs reading, "si se puede" and "stronger together". Participants will include immigrants, refugees and people who support them. It's led by attorney and community activist Domingo Garcia. The march begins at the Guadalupe Cathedral and ends at Dallas City Hall.

Those who plan to march say they're protesting the trump administration's targeting of immigrants and religious groups, but also want to show the value of the immigrant community.

“We want to be here. We want to show that we are also part of America. We want to show that America is a diverse country that was originally formed by immigrants,” said organizer, Esseiny Alanis.

The march will begin at 2 p.m. Sunday and end at 5 p.m.
