Hometown Hero: Midlothian Classic Wheels

A 1932 canary yellow Ford, a 1956 sunset red Thunderbird, a 1953 Studebaker, 1934 Chevrolet Master Coupe with a rumble seat -- see these and almost 100 vintage cars on April 22 at the First Responders Car Show from Midlothian Classic Wheels.

If you want to show your classic or newer car, the entry fee is $15 and a case of water or a 6 pack of Gatorade. To register your 4-wheeled beauty call Alan at  214.808.4019 or 214.354.7432

The public can see the cars for free, Saturday, April 22nd from 2 pm-6 pm at Brookshires at 1400 E. Main Street in MIdlothian.  If you can't see the show, they'll start setting-up at 10 am and you can see the cars then and leave a donation of cash , water or Gatorade. All of the money, water and Gatorade will go to the Midlothian Police Department and the Midlothian Fire Department. They'll use the money to grow community police and fire programs and the fluids will be given to crime and fire victims as well as First Responders. 

More info: www.midlothianclassicwheels.com/calendar
