Family says deadly hit-and-run at Dallas gas station was intentional

A family believes a deadly hit-and-run incident in Dallas over the summer wasn’t an accident.

Brenda McLemore, 53, was killed when she exited a 7-Eleven at Preston and Beltline on July 2 and was hit by a driver in the gas pumps area of the station.

A private investigator hired by the family said he believes McLemore’s death was intentional based on multiple surveillance videos he’s viewed.

Gil Wilson was brought in by the family after seemingly no movement by Dallas police. Wilson and the family tell us they have seen three videos of the incident. Police have released only one.

“The vehicle came in from this parking lot right here,” Wilson said. “All its going to do is it’s just going to circle around the traffic pumps.”

The video shows the driver never gets out.  

“She passes right by the car she does not stop she does not talk to them,” Wilson said. “As soon as she passes by the driver’s side door, the vehicle just makes a left hand turn immediately.”

Tammy McLemore said the driver bumped her sister so she would fall down, then they could run over her. She said they dragged her 67 feet.

Brenda McLemore began battling mental illness in the last few years of her life. Her family said she was diagnosed with disorganized schizophrenia, which led to her being on the streets in the first place.

The family is hopeful that someone will come forward with new information.

“So that we can get justice for Brenda, we need your help,” sister Colleen Bradley said.

Crime Stoppers hopes a $5,000 reward will help someone break their silence. Anyone with information is asked to call 214-373-TIPS.