Clarence Thomas (1991)
Insights program from July 7, 1991 featuring the selection of Clarence Thomas as a Supreme Court nominee.
Boys Choir of Harlem (1990)
On this March 4, 1990 episode of Insights viewers get a backstage look at a performance in Dallas by the Boys Choir of Harlem.
Art Guerra (1989)
Artist Art Guerra talks about taking inspiration for his work from McKinney Avenue in this Dec. 3, 1989 episode of Insights.
Jesse Jackson Jr. and Maki Mandela (1991)
This March 31, 1991 episode of Insights includes interviews with Jesse Jackson Jr. and Maki Mandela.
Maya Angelou Interview (1993)
Poet and civil rights activist Maya Angelou sits down with Rochelle Brown for an episode of Insights in 1993.