Tarrant County teen injured after e-cigarette catches fire

A Tarrant County teenager was airlifted to Parkland Hospital after an e-cigarette exploded and caught fire Monday evening.

The Tarrant County Fire Marshall said firefighters responded to a 911 call from a 15-year-old boy in Fossil Creek Estates off of Bonds Ranch Road. He told them an e-cig exploded and caused a small fire in his bedroom, which he was able to put out himself.

After the teen called 911, he called a neighbor to help him. He waited outside until help arrived. When paramedics were checking him out he began to have trouble breathing and was taken to the hospital.

Family members said the teen did not suffer any burns but did inhale some of the liquid from the e-cig and smoke from the fire.  He was treated for some respiratory problems and will likely go home Tuesday.

The incident follows dozens of other reports of e-cigarettes catching on fire or exploding. A total of 66 explosions have been identified by the FDA in 2015 and 2016. The FDA said it is looking at regulating the fast-growing industry by requiring e-cigarette makers to submit their devices for review.

Federal law states you must be 18 years old to smoke an e-cig. The fire marshal plans to talk to the teen when he returns home to find out more about what happened.